Thursday, January 15, 2015

Photographic Diary of the Traveler

     Though I'm only 21 years old as of now, I have done much traveling in my life. With each experience, I became more enriched and accrued many photos. In this post, I'll be showing the latter along with some descriptions pertaining to the photos.

     Naples, Florida

     I took these photos in my early teenage years when I was visiting my grandparents out in Florida. Thankfully, my Dad let me borrow his Nikon D300 camera for the trip; after seeing all the nature and wildlife in their backyard, I knew there'd be some great photos to look at afterwards. 

    Cannes, France

   In high school, we had a week called 'Project Week.' This is when we got to choose from various trips to go on and make a presentation summarizing what we learned. At that time, I had no idea what to expect when I arrived in France. But when I did, I felt like I was in a totally different world. Thanks to the Nikon D300, I was able to capture some amazing photos and memories.

(Location names have been forgotten since)


   When my class and I arrived in Paris, the first thing we did was ride the subway. This took what seemed forever and many of us were asking our teacher, "are we there yet?" as if we were younglings going to Disneyland. However, our teacher had a surprise in store for us. Amidst our whines of anticipation, she kept quiet. 
   We walked up a set of stairs, probably the 7th set we had to go up. She said, "Alright guys we're almost there." We all groaned, but when we reached the top of the stairs we gasped. To our most pleasant surprise, the Eiffel Tower stood in the distance shining above all the other buildings. To be quite honest, I melted a little bit as the shock value made it one of my most memorable experiences ever in traveling. 

Arizona, United States

   I used to live out West in Montana (I'm saving the photos I took there for another post dedicated to my time there). Considering the immense miles of road in between towns, I was in the car an awful lot. As I traveled from town to town (and in the context of this picture, state to state), the bare land was hypnotizing. With absolutely no technology or sign of manmade structures, the mind has no choice but to focus on the universe. 
   Living in the city, I am surrounded by technology and mental stimulation. The human cognition can be overloaded in such a setting, but out in the middle of nowhere the mind is free to wander on it's own accord.

Seattle, Washington

   Much of my fashion has been influenced by grunge; the apathetic and near-aggressive form of self expression has an appeal to the part of me that loves watching UFC (mixed martial arts) and. 
   One of my most favorite bands, The Blood Brothers, originated here. Their music was considered Screamo, but their style and mix of consonance and dissonance completely made them unique. To my dismay, they separated long before my visit to Seattle. Yet the grey clouds above and rusted vintage architecture showed me the origin of the grunge attitude.


Wisconsin, United States

   About two years ago, I lived in the Loop in Downtown, Chicago. Back then, I was part of a collegiate community (a group of people comprised of teachers/education majors and college students who room with each other. The purpose of this group is to help each other succeed in academics). During our school break, we planned a camping trip in Wisconsin. As we told scary stories around the campfire, school was the last thing we thought about.
   Just like my travels out West, my mind was free to wander on it's own accord. It wasn't until I got back to Chicago that I totally forgot about an essay that was due in three days...woops!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed this post!

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