One form of art I have yet to share on here is my writing. A couple days ago, I began writing a story; the premise of the story is similar to an old fairy tale. The setting takes place in the Elizabethan Era, circa Shakespeare, and depicts a story of a King, a Kingdom and a Beast.
The language I utilize is a mix of Archaic Shakespearean and Caveman-broken English. Considering how convoluted it can be, here's the low-down on what this 1st part is depicting: a beast roams about the outskirts of a kingdom destroying various villages; the victims of his bombardment are used to feed his offspring. There are seven and a half of them, but the focus of the tale will be on the half-life offspring. Despite the efforts to contain the beast, the King fails but is unfazed.
The shut shot foot of the beast terrible
Who ravenged ravenously of the village
Take what needed for it’s offspring
And never looked behind him
Here, it was, remains the everlasting ashes
of the
never-born phoenix
That laced on the top of these denizens
For nourishment for it’s offspring
Foretold was mere shackled morbidly fated
Of it’s offspring horrible
A dastard bastarding muck who soon shall taken nothing
And everything
Increased trifold they amassed to seven
Four, five
and seven
‘Twas life half given
To a thing gurgling, struggling to press on
(On) the ground, ‘twas called brethren
It broke free of the brazen shackles and rusted leather
Upon having, being, yet told
The high mighty King Laugh
…and one half